Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Today's Meeting a few notes

Today's YIG meeting was productive and I thank you for that!

Here is what was accomplished and if you have not decided how you would like to participate, it's not too late!

For those of you who have picked a component to participate in, please be thinking about your bills, researching your department or researching Tennessee Appellate Procedure.

If you are running for office, begin working on your campaign speech so that we have plenty of time to work and refine the speeches.

Our next meeting will be October 1, after school. If you weren't at today's meeting, please try to attend the next meeting. We will begin working on how to write a bill, debate procedure and how to argue a bill.

Here's who and what I have recorded for YIG 2014:

Roman: Governor's Cabinet

(Gus), Huston and JD: Red (House/Senate)

Elissa and Dallas: Lawyers
     Elissa is running for Associate Justice
     Dallas is running for Associate Justice or Attorney General

Bella and Bernice: Blue Senate
     Bernice is running for Speaker Pro Tempore of the Blue Senate

Gus and Roman: Red (House/Senate)

Arshpreet and Kunal: Red House

IF you are left off and have picked a component, please let me know!

We will start working on paperwork soon.

Mrs. K

Friday, August 23, 2013

First interest mtg of 2013!!

Join us one and all for first interest meeting for the new school year!

September 6, 2013 at 2:15pm in the library.

Join us for what is sure to be the greatest year yet!

Monday, April 22, 2013


For anyone interested in seeing what the WSHS Youth In Government program is all about, we will have an informational meeting on Friday, April 26th at 2:30pm in M207.

Bring your friends!!!

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Monday, April 8, 2013


Congratulations to the 2013 WSHS TN Youth in Government Delegation!

Roman Darker and Huston McCormick; Outstanding Bill in the Red House

"An act to allow visitation to the body of the deceased by the spouse, parent and/or legal guardian."

Muhammad Elahi and Everest Ouyang; Outstanding Bill in the Red Senate

"An Act to Equalize the Amount of Cocaine Required for Conviction"

Everest Ouyang; Sergeant at Arms in the Red House, 2014

It was a great trip and all members of the delegation did very well!