Monday, April 22, 2013


For anyone interested in seeing what the WSHS Youth In Government program is all about, we will have an informational meeting on Friday, April 26th at 2:30pm in M207.

Bring your friends!!!

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Monday, April 8, 2013


Congratulations to the 2013 WSHS TN Youth in Government Delegation!

Roman Darker and Huston McCormick; Outstanding Bill in the Red House

"An act to allow visitation to the body of the deceased by the spouse, parent and/or legal guardian."

Muhammad Elahi and Everest Ouyang; Outstanding Bill in the Red Senate

"An Act to Equalize the Amount of Cocaine Required for Conviction"

Everest Ouyang; Sergeant at Arms in the Red House, 2014

It was a great trip and all members of the delegation did very well!